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start credit applicationWhile many new cars for sale in Orlando come equipped with a service like GM's OnStar, which provides security and safety features for connected vehicles, drivers of older or unequipped vehicles may be left out in the cold when an issue strikes.
But with a new device and service, Verizon is looking to connect those vehicles to an array of modern safety features.
The service, Verizon Vehicle, will be subscription-based, operated using a device that connects to a car's OBD port. The company says the device will provide:
For less than OnStar's lowest-tier plan, it looks Verizon may be able to offer a competitive service that can connect to absolutely any car. That alone is something that will open it up to a whole new market of buyers.
The only question now is, will the company be able to market it to the right people in order to make it a success? We'll have to wait until later this spring to find out!