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start credit applicationOnline car buying can be a scary thing, especially if you don't already know the ropes. And how does one learn the ropes? That's a good question. If the consumer isn't very internet savvy it can be a real headache.
This is because many online car buying sites on the internet will let you browse their inventories, but then when it comes time to actually purchase a vehicle, it isn't possible.
Instead, the consumer is told they should go to a nearby dealership—often times the site is working behind the scenes with the traditional dealership, directing consumers and therefore, sales, their way.
As unscrupulous as this practice is, it's very common. But it doesn't have to be this way. Enter
You see, a group of tech people and a group of automotive people got together and decided it was time to do something about all the terrible, and sometimes nearly criminal (maybe even straight up criminal) practices of the cheaters and panhandlers of the internet.
So they got together and created, a site that is transparent about what kind of deal you are getting.
There is something very special about, something everyone should know. When a consumer pulls the trigger on purchasing a new car from an associate calls the consumer and squares away the shipping details.
This might seem like a small thing, but really, it's the kind of service that people need. Most sites leave consumers in the dark, and pretty much on their own, when it comes to shipping and how it will play out. This isn't optimal for individuals who have a lot going on, or who were already struggling to figure out how to make the online car buying process work for them. knows this and has made sure no one is left behind.
So head to now and check it out for yourself.