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Buy Your Loved One a New Car Online this Christmas

Written By, NowCar Team

The holiday season is upon us. With Thanksgiving dinner leftovers finally all gobbled up, December is in full swing, and Christmas is just around the corner. Whether or not you celebrate the holiday, December is well known for generosity, random acts of kindness, and giving to the ones you love. The Holiday spirit is everywhere this time of year. All you have to do is walk into a store, actually watch a commercial rather than fast forward through it, or open any one of the countless pieces of “junk mail” that arrive in your mailbox. 

If you are in the giving spirit this time of the year - you certainly are not alone. A lot of Americans are finding their favorite gift items in stores, and online, and are spending anywhere from a few dollars to much, much more. Regardless of how much you spend, one thing is for sure - online shopping is where it’s at. Whether you are buying a car online for that special someone, or a hunk of coal for that not-so-nice family member - the internet offers an endless marketplace of consumerism convenience. 

Who REALLY Buys Someone a Car for Christmas?

Thinking about a sled - er, car - like this one?  

We understand how absolutely ridiculous this is going to sound. Ridiculous. But hear us out. Tonight, as you are powering through your DVR list of television shows from the week, actually watch a few of the commercials. I know,  I know. It’s excruciating. The fast forward button is no doubt taunting you from where it sits this very moment - but we promise, this exercise in self-restraint is for a purpose. 

You will immediately notice that nearly every commercial has a holiday theme. Each department store is promising the best savings on the latest tech, the guarantee of the elusive toy Santa promised your five-year-old, and why December is truly a time for giving. But then the car commercial comes on your screen. You know the one. The one where the brand new Lexus is parked on a perfectly shoveled driveway with snowflakes dancing around it. A giant-sized bow sits on top of a shiny new roof rack, and a surprised wife runs out of the house and leaps into her husband’s arms. You might roll your eyes at the improbability of the entire scene, and press down the fast forward button with a quiet air of satisfaction, knowing that you will not waste another second, needlessly watching commercials.

OR...maybe you had a different reaction. Maybe giving, or receiving a car for Christmas appeals to you. Maybe you have already gifted a car to someone for a past holiday, and see the obvious merit in doing so. Whatever the case may be, the truth of the matter is - people actually are gifting new cars to loved ones for the holidays. While a new vehicle may not be the number one gift consumers are running out to buy this month, there are enough people doing it, that major automotive manufacturers are taking notice.

Don’t Fast-Forward Just Yet: How to Buy a Car as a Gift this Christmas

Buying a car online can be easy and convenient.

Let’s just say that you are toying with the idea of giving someone the gift of a new car this Christmas. Let’s be honest, the perfect picture that Lexus has painted for us, is actually more appealing, than appalling. Surprising your loved one on Christmas morning with a brand new car in the driveway, is a once in a lifetime moment that you want to experience. But how do you go about making such a large purchase, while maintaining secrecy? 

There are certain steps that must be taken during the car buying process, and finding time to complete those can be tricky - especially if you live under the same roof as the recipient. On the one hand, you can sift through piles of advertisements, visit the average three dealerships, and spend countless hours you don’t have in negotiations with less-than-ethical salesmen. can sit on your couch, take a sip of your favorite wine, and do everything online. Sounds good, right?

If you are set on secrecy, and dream of that perfect scene Christmas morning, then buying that new car online is the way to go. Not only can you complete each step from the comfort of home, you can even have the new car delivered directly to your door. Don't be fooled by dealerships that offer the option of an “online” showroom, only to require you to head in to sign paperwork. Reputable online dealerships like NowCar offer a one-stop new car buying experience, from searching, buying, and delivery right to your door. 

Now that you have made the decision to buy your loved one’s new car gift online, let’s look at ways to complete the process, so it is absolutely perfect.

5 Steps to Gifting the Perfect Car

You can even shop for cars online from your phone.

We have it on pretty good authority that anyone who receives a new car for Christmas will be grateful - regardless of color, make, or model. But for those who are interested in gifting the perfect new car, check out these five steps to help ensure satisfaction.

  1. Don’t Buy the Car YOU Want: It is highly unlikely that the person you are buying a car for, has the exact same taste as you do. As hard as it is, leave your personal opinions and preferences at the door. As you search online for vehicles, try to put yourself in the shoes of the person on the receiving end of your gift.
  2. Consider Their Lifestyle: A mom with three kids would likely be unhappy with a Chevy Camaro. On the flip side, your sixteen year old son would probably cringe at the thought of driving to school in a Dodge Grand Caravan - no matter how practical it may be. Look for a vehicle that suits the recipient’s lifestyle, needs, and desires. 
  3. Research Before You Buy: Websites like YouTube are incredible resources for researching new cars. In fact, a recent Google/TNS Shopper Study showed that 70% of new car buyers that have used YouTube during their research, have been influenced by what they watched. Kelley Blue Book is also a great resource when considering different vehicles to purchase. 
  4. Stay Within Your Budget: It can be tempting to get the highest-end model, loaded with the latest technology - but stick to your budget. If you go outside of what you can afford, giving the vehicle will not be rewarding, or fun. In fact, giving a gift that is out of your budget, could leave you feeling resentful of the recipient. There are new car options available in nearly every budget - a little bit of research will help you stretch your dollar.
  5. Don’t Miss the Moment: The best part of giving any gift, is seeing the reaction of the person you gave it to. Head online and buy a big bow. While it will probably set you back another $50, the big red bow is what will push the moment over the edge. If you order your vehicle online, and it won’t arrive before Christmas, don’t fret. Take your loved one to a local dealership, point out the make and model of the vehicle you purchased, and declare, “It’s all yours!” 

Regardless of how your “Moment” goes, giving a new car as a gift this Christmas will be a truly magical experience that will not be forgotten. Then, the next time you see the ridiculous Lexus commercial, you can smile to yourself, knowing that you gave someone you love that storybook moment.